Progress? Happy New Year (In May)

Progress? Happy New Year (In May)

Wow, I said monthly updates… and here I am, updating 5/6 months later. I need to be better with this.

I’m not going to talk about how much life has happened…just going to start the updat.

Graphic Novel / Web Graphic Novel? In Production

In my last update, I said I was going to work on a new story. I’m glad to say I am currently 35+ pages deep into it’s development, and I’m having a great time putting it together. I’m growing as an artist and storyteller, and it’s exciting to see my progress from page 1 to now.

So far, for the last 4 months, I’ve been completing 10 pages a month (pretty slow, but I’m okay with it). That’s from storyboarding, to sketching, then inking, then finishing (with letters). It’s been a pretty smooth process. There have also been tims I was worried I wouldn’t hit the deadline of completing 10 in a month, but I’ve managed to pull through. It’s been a fun process.

Purpose: Getting Published? Having Fun?

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to get out of making comics. I’ve grown to really enjoy the process of taking something from an idea to product. I’ve also been thinking about what comes next. Do I want to be published? Do I want to do this for money?

There have been a lot of tweets on twitter about folks LEAVING the commercial side of comics to just work on stories they enjoy. This has been a huge turnoff for me in wanting to become published. Plus, I don’t really need any money from these works.

This leaves me doing this for fun, which I’m not too upset about. I do have fun working through it…and I’m loving the storytelling aspect. Maybe keeping it as an expensive hobby (monetarily and time) is the way to go. It’s bringing me joy…maybe that’s all it needs to do.

Next Steps?

I really want to get into the habit of updating this monthly as I progress with this work. I need to hold myself accountable as I get better and make more works.

I’m also realizing I need to start posting my completed works here somehow… This means I’ll need to add some things to the site.

I’m excited for what’s to come, and am ready to start making more works.

Until next time!