Projects...projects..and more projects?

Very happy with the process and my progress lately. Pages have been inked, finished, and sketched. I think I've figured out some groove.

I've started reading this "Art & Fear" book, and it's making me confront a lot of thoughts I've been having about me and my creative endeavors. The biggest concept that's sticking with me, is this idea of failing, but sticking with it and not quitting. It's a really interesting read so far.

Comic Work

The one shot for the contest is coming along well. I an at the point of wanting to be done with it, but I'm pretty happy with the work I've done so far. As of right now, I've finished 10 pages, and have sketched 5 more pages. I think after the next 5, I'll probably have 5-7 left. I do have times when I feel like I'm not making progress quickly enough...but then I remind myself of the Will Smith quote about focus on laying the brick, rather than thinking about the whole house....and trusting the process.

Subway Creatures is still coming along. I have 5 pages re-made from the pages I lost...but I'm not too worried about it. I know once this one-shot is done, that project will start moving quicker. I also started making a promo drawing...but also is a work in progress.

I think that does it for this update. I'll share more when I start working on Subway Creatures more (after this one-shot is done).

Until next week!! Keep making stuff!