Yeah...I'm still alive.
As I said in the previous update, I decided to focus on completing a one-shot. I finished it - but still decided to take some time away from updating here. It's now Thanksgiving break, and found myself with time to do some updating on this site, and this *devlog*. I was able to fix this so it's *nicer* and was able to change the domain of the site (we're just now!). I redirected it from my GithubPages site because...well...I wasn't really trying to do all of that work to maintain that site, when I have this one here. So, yeah!
So what have I been up to...other than work, just trying to recoup what I lost from my accidental deletion of files in August/September. I won't lie, re-doing it has made me like what I was putting together way more. I guess that's what happens when you get better? Other than that - just taking it all day by day.
I've been thinking of ways to try and have more of an online presence. I spent a lot of time today trying to think about what I could do. I even tried writing out a script for a youtube video...but realized my heart just wasn't (or isn't) in it. I wonder if there's another type of content I could create on the side, as I work on my comic. Or, maybe I should just focus on the comic, and my real life stuff I want to get off the ground. Just things to think about I suppose.
Comic Work
Click on this cover to be linked to the One Shot. It's a comedic story... I won't say anything else. =)
That's all I have for today. Next week, I'll post updates from Subway Creatures...and maybe I can figure out what I'm doing next with this *want* to create more of an online presence. Until then, keep creating!