Going for the Win

Happy new year!

Even though it may be early, I'm excited for the year. I've hit a place in my comic making where I don't ABSOLUTELY hate my work, and actually am happy I can come up with a story, and bring it to life with art. It's such a cool feeling.

Even with the whole erasing Subway Creatures and having to re-draw, I've found myself liking the pages I'm drawing now A LOT more than I did the previous. I feel more free on the page - capable of and having the confidence (or delusion) to draw more things.

I'm also coming to terms with the whole 'trying to find' an audience thing. I'm realizing I probably won't find one without releasing anything (duh) or having more than a chapter 1...so I'm putting my efforts towards that, instead of also thinking about ways to market myself (via tiktok, youtube, etc). Those thoughts will still be on the back-burner...but I won't be thinking about it as much as I was in the 2nd half of 2024. I'm not going to lie, I feel freer because of it.

Instead of using brain power for that, I'll be using my 2 other brain cells to work on other projects outside of comic work and I'm also passionate about. I probably won't post about that stuff to maintain anonymity, but it's pretty exciting work.

A big reason why I didn't start it before, is because I was worried about the marketing aspect of it. "How will I get word about the project/program?" "How will I make it profitable?" "How will recruit folks?" are all questions I was asking myself. That paralyzed me. But, something clicked earlier in the year after reading some tweets from some random "inspirational" tweets.

These two tweets reminded me that I shouldn't worry about bridges I am not yet ready to cross...and I should be proud of ALL the work that I do. And with that pride, I shouldn't feel about promoting or talking about the stuff. With this burst of inspiration/motivation, I'm going to get started on this project/program. I'm excited for what it will become! It's going to take some front-loading of learning how to make apps using Flutter, but after that, I think I'll be ready for the next steps. Exciting stuff!


I want to get back into the habit of doing updates each Friday...sort of like a work in progress thing to keep myself motivated (like I said last time haha. So here are some work in progress pictures of pages.

Thumbnails of my favorite page from this batch:

Sketches of my favorite page from this batch:

Making good progress though! I wanted to get 10 pages of sketches done before January 17th...and I currently have 7 done. 3 more! (And I'll probably finish them this weekend.

And I think that's pretty much it! I want to do a lot this year...comics, game dev, IRL projects. I can do them too! I just need to stay the course, and not feel too...incapable. I am going to let my delusion run FREE. Count on it!

Thanks for rocking with me! Keep making!